I am a wonder seeker, a fighting optimist, and a perpetual learner. I'm a leader, a librarian, a researcher, a teacher, and a consultant. I find hope and purpose in the collective and richness at life's intersections. My leadership values and my daily ways of being are influenced and enriched by the natural world.
In my day job, I'm the Dean of Libraries for the University Libraries at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. In this role, I unabashedly champion the vital work of academic research libraries, as inflected through the thinking of Donna Haraway and Anna Tsing: creating and enabling transformational encounters with information in a precarious world so that we can live and die well.
For more on my background, experience, and research, check out my complete cv and my ORCiD profile.
I'm a paddleboarding enthusiast, a beginning archer, and curious kombucha brewer. An amateur baker, I like to eat the seasons in desserts. I dream of retiring to the Central Valley of Costa Rica.